Becoming a Good Enough Parent

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Dear Mom/Dad,

Becoming a parent changes your life instantly and the reality is, you never really know if you’re doing a good enough job. You can do the research, read the books, listen to your friends’ advice, and plan out every single decision. But the reality is, sometimes you will doubt your choices and hope that you have made the right decision for your child. It is hard to admit that the mistakes that we make as parents because we secretly hope to that we don’t screw up our kids too much. We try to be perfect parents but in time we learn that this is not possible. Enter the Good Enough Parent Concept. As long as you feel and understand that there is no such thing as a Perfect Parent, being a Good Enough Parent sounds acceptable enough.

Parenting is a challenging and rewarding journey that comes with its own set of unique joys and difficulties. As a psychologist, I have worked with many parents who struggle with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, wondering if they are doing enough for their children. If you are feeling this way, it is important to remember that being a good enough parent is not about being perfect or flawless, but about being present and responsive to your child’s needs.

Here are some reminders to keep in mind:

1. Practice self-care often and be aware of your emotions. As parents, we feel overwhelmed by the to-do lists, trying to multi-task, meet deadlines, and carry not only ours, but everyone else’s emotions in our pockets. When our cups are full, we need to find the best way to empty them, and not on top of our kids. What does this mean? Being aware that we need time to recharge so that our kids are not affected by our stressed, frustrated, and overwhelmed reactions.

2. Focus on building a strong and nurturing relationship with your child. Show them unconditional love, support them, and provide a safe zone for them. Truly listen to their wants and needs and help them thrive. Throughout my years of experience, I find that communication and flexibility in child-rearing practices go along way and can be key in a positive parent-child relationship.

3. Find your community. And I don’t just mean your village. Find a place that you feel comfortable sharing you doubts, fears, and joys without being self-conscious or afraid to be judged. Rather, find parents that share your values, views, and that are a source of emotional support. If you feel stuck, lost, or simply alone in this journey, there is a great resource that I offer you and would like for you to try out. The Good Enough Parent Membership.

Click the link below to take you directly to the site.
Hope to see you around!

Hi There! I'm Dr. Payan

Get weekly tips from Dr. Payan that can help your mental health! Be sure to join the Good Enough Parent Membership (Coming Soon) and become part of a great community, learn to manage your stress/anxiety, and practice learned strategies in your daily life to strengthen your relationship with your child!

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